Physical Copies of Hell

Physical copies of the Hells are on hold until I can solve issues with Lulu.

The troubles are related to page trim and Lulu tells me this is an error in the PDF. However, I’m using InDesign settings that are carry-overs from all my previous projects (just saved as new files). Which leaves me a little bit skeptical. I do plan to dig into this and, if the error is on my end, I of course will fix it and allow for physical copies to once again be available.

I don’t have a timeline for this yet as I’m a bit busy with other endeavors (finding a job) and due to energy levels, I’ve taken a short break from writing. So, I’ll get to it when I can.

In the mean time, you can get the digital bundles for the Hells, which in my opinion, are superior since the color is great, you get maps for your VTT, bonus artwork files, and PDF bookmarking.

These are available at Gumroad.

Until later, peace, and happy gaming.


Unwinnable Situations


The Fiends