Digital Bundle Sale

My wife was diagnosed with glioblastoma multiforme on August 18th. Since then I’ve been staring at my last blog topic: “Unwinnable Situations”.

I find comfort that I was inspired to write that post just BEFORE the diagnosis. I re-read it yesterday. Everything I said in that post, I still believe and it seems now that I wrote it primarily for me.

Life is a game. We had a bad roll. Drew the Void from the Deck of Many Things. All of us will face mortality, one way or another. As we face this, there are good days and not-so-good days.

Morning walks holding hands, is a new thing. It’s a good thing. There are many good things that have come out of this terrible development and I am determined to accept them and be happy and grateful. In this unwinnable situation I am learning a lot about my wife, about myself and about my daughters. I am also learning about my neighbors, extended family and friends.

When we first got the news, I immediately canceled game night.

It was the right call because the first two weeks were a blur of surgery, ICU, dizzying medication schedules, and sleepless nights. But I quickly realized that game night was the support system I needed. The friends, the laughter, the distraction, the solidarity.

D&D saved me when I was 16.

It is saving me again at 54.

The relationships are just so, so, precious.

I’ve had to stop working on the Nine Hells during this time and while I don’t know if I will pick that work up again, running games locally at my house has already been good medicine and well worth the energy spent.

I’ve decided to put the digital bundles for the Hells supplements on sale along with the Castle of the Silver Prince.

Into the Pit 1, 3, and 5 (Avernus, Minauros, and Stygia) are discounted 33%; the Castle of the Silver Prince likewise. I’ll run this sale through the autumn months. If you like my work, please do reviews or pass the word along. I’m still out of work and any support is greatly appreciated.

My message this month is to be grateful for every good day. Be kind. Savor your relationships and your time spent with good friends. Be brave enough to tell people what they mean to you and prioritize your time so you don’t have any regrets.

Cancer clarifies things. I was surprised to realize that all the hours I’ve spent playing D&D with friends are hours I do not regret and that, even now, those hours stack very high on the priority chart, just below family.

Have a wonderful autumn and grab my newest offerings at 33% off if you see fit. It’s been a tough year but we are determined, like any stalwart party, to go into the future fighting for every good day and for a miracle if there’s a spare one floating around out there. Thanks to all of you for reading The Blue Bard and for so many kind words over the years.

Despite the perils ahead, I am not going anywhere.


and happy gaming.


Unwinnable Situations